Facebook’s Conversions API (CAPI) & Shopify Implementation

Facebook’s Conversions API (CAPI) & Shopify Implementation To say the least, 2020 has been an unpredictable year, especially for the digital ad buying space. This year we saw one of the biggest booms in Facebook advertising history followed by platform instability coupled with consumer uncertainty, and most recently news that Apple’s iOS14

Facebook’s Conversions API (CAPI) & Shopify Implementation2021-01-11T13:15:13-06:00

3 Clever Ways to Increase Facebook Comments on Your Facebook Posts Without Boosting

Comments are the most effective method of Facebook engagement, and people feel inclined to engage when they see an already active discussion in the thread. So, how do you attract more comments to your Facebook page posts and page post ads? Here are a few effective tactics to try.

3 Clever Ways to Increase Facebook Comments on Your Facebook Posts Without Boosting2018-06-14T21:52:39-06:00

What Marketers Need to Know About Facebook’s Updated Business Tools Terms

Here’s a rundown of the key changes to Facebook's terms that apply to any website owner, publisher, developer, advertiser, business partner (and their customers) and any other entity that integrates with, uses and exchanges information with Facebook.

What Marketers Need to Know About Facebook’s Updated Business Tools Terms2018-04-25T12:11:31-06:00

5 Questions To Ask Before Writing a Marketing Strategy

Too often we get bogged down in the tactics that we forget to create a framework to allow for smart decision-making and swift implementation once the strategy is defined. So how does a marketing professional or business owner go about putting together a marketing strategy? Consider beginning by answering these five questions.

5 Questions To Ask Before Writing a Marketing Strategy2018-04-25T12:11:31-06:00